April 3, 2020 Fireside Chat w/ Sam P.

Fireside Chat

Hi All,
With CBI being closed until further notice due to COVID 19 I have been trying to think of a couple ideas that we could do to still have some fun on Fridays at 5:30. So starting next Friday 4/3 at 5:30 I am going to host a web conference on ZOOM where we can discuss some racing footage. We’ll do this first one as a trial run to see how it goes. One positive of note is that since we’re not on state property, you’re welcome to pour yourself a beer or cocktail while we chat. If this sounds interesting to you please let me know if you have any good footage to go over. I’m excited to see everyone again, be well and talk soon. I will send out the link to the ZOOM meeting at 3:30 on 4/3 in the Friday Night Informal Racing Google Group.

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